CTA Storm Water Pollution Prevention Compliance Group

Since 1999, NES has served as the Technical Group Leader for the California Trucking Association’s Storm Water Group Compliance Program, one of the largest storm water compliance groups in the State of California. Storm water regulations allow for compliance group programs for facilities with similar industrial activities and classifications, such as the California Trucking Association. A storm water compliance group reduces individual member costs and enables a broader understanding of developing and implementing best management practices common to the trucking industry.

As the CTA Compliance Group Leader, NES provides member facilities with the following storm water benefits:


Simplified Templates and Forms:

Members are provided with the documents necessary for implementing a cost-effective Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program.

– Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) template

– Monitoring program forms and guidance

– Simplified visual observation forms


Document Review:

– NES reviews member-submitted documents to verify accuracy and completeness

– NES assists member facilities in completing the electronic Annual Report Questionnaire; Annual Reports are carefully reviewed prior to submittal on the SMARTS Database


50% Reduction in Storm Water Sample Collection:

Facilities are required to collect storm water samples to identify potential pollutants discharging from industrial activity areas.

– Facilities participating in the CTACG are required to collect two (2) samples per compliance year, representing a 50% reduction compared to facilities not in a compliance group

– As part of the annual CTACG membership fee, member facilities are provided sampling kits, guidance documents, pre-paid shipping labels, and detailed reports of analytical results by NES


Storm Water Pollution Prevention Training:

The new Industrial General Permit (IGP) introduced significant changes to each facility’s storm water pollution prevention program. As the IGP requirements shift focus towards compliance, it is increasingly important to stay on top of the new storm water regulations. Members are provided semi-annual training classes and webinars by NES. Classes are typically offered in Northern and Southern California. These courses are designed to highlight the new IGP requirements and explain how to implement them. Classes also provide an opportunity for members to share or discuss which best management practices have been effectively implemented at their sites and the associated costs.


Site Assistance Visits:

CTACG members receive an annual site visit by NES to assist with adherence to the IGP. These site visits are conducted by the Compliance Group Leaders and are geared towards preparing facilities for formal regulatory inspections by the Water Board. Each site visit includes a thorough review of storm water documents and a site walk to observe industrial activities performed on-site.

For more information, contact the CTACG team at cta@nesglobal.net or 916-353-2360 / 800-637-2384.


Posted on

May 2, 2016